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1.Normal stroke matchplay rules to apply.

Example a). Player A handicap 5 and player B handicap 25
Player A goes to Zero handicap, Player B’s handicap is reduced to 20. Player A gives the opponent 2 shots on the first and second numbered holes on the match index and one shot on each of the other 16 holes.

Example b) Player A handicap 9 and player B handicap 14
Player A goes to Zero handicap and gives opponent one shot on the first five numbered holes on the match index.

Where players decide to play at a course where one or both players are charged a green fee such cost to be borne equally by both players.

Results to be emailed by winner to within 48 hours of completion of match.

It is the responsibility of the first named player to contact his opponent to arrange the match. Failure to do so will result in the second named player being made the winner should no match eventuate and no reasonable attempt at contact being made by the first named player.

If within reason no suitable time to play a match can be arranged by the players then the match will be decided by coin toss by a Maccabi committee member. Players should notify Stephen Zamel no later than the final date to play the match if this eventuates.

The Committee will determine the draw for each round.

Any dispute before, during or after a match should be referred to Stephen Zamel for consideration by the Committee and the Committee’s decision shall be final.

When conceding putts to an opponent be clear and concise. If you are in doubt, do not pick up your ball until after you have asked your opponent if he is conceding the putt to you.

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